Jovak Helm has a rich history. Dates are given in two calendars. Every day represents a year in Jovak Helm. The year 0 J.H. (Jovak Helm) was 2.15.09. The calendar we use in Jovak Helm is called the Maxean Calendar. However, this only applies to dates after the birth of Jovak Helm. If one is referring to something that predates Ratification Day, it is expressed in the same time dimension as the Julian Calendar by using B.R. (Before Ratification).
5000 B.C. (c. 7,009 B.R.): First archaeological artifacts of human activity in Jovak Helm, related to seal hunting. 1341 (668 B.R.): First evidence of a permanent indigenous population. 1621 (488 B.R.): Kingdom of Sweden annexes part of what is now Jovak Helm. 1721 (388 B.R.): Kingdom of Sweden relinquishes control to Imperial Russia. 1915 (94 B.R.): Imperial Germany takes control from Imperial Russia. 1918 (91 B.R.): German forces leave Jovak Helm. 1919 (90 B.R.): Indigenous population agrees to become part of Estonia. 1930s (70’s B.R.): Foxes are introduced to Jovak Helm to encourage the fur trade. 1939 (70 B.R.): The foxes kill all native ptarmigan. 1940 (69 B.R.): The Soviet Union occupies Jovak Helm. 1941 (68 B.R.): The Soviet Union relinquishes control to Germany. 1944 (65 B.R.): The indigenous population flees to Sweden. Jovak Helm is repopulated by Estonians. The Soviet Union takes control again. 1949 (60 B.R.): The Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge begins killing foxes due to their destructive nature. This sparks a long and bitter war between the Foxes and the Alaskans. 1970s (30’s B.R.): The fox population is finally eliminated. 1991 (18 B.R.): The Soviet Union is disbanded, and Estonia becomes a free country. 1995 (14 B.R.): Jovak Helm becomes a Ramsar Convention site. 1998 (11 B.R.): Jovak Helm is enclosed by fences and wires into two areas, the first of which is for the exploitation of cattle, and the second is for the nest-building of birds. 2003 (6 B.R.): The ship Tiglax ferries ptarmigan back to Jovak Helm from nearby islands. 2006 (3 B.R.): A cold summer leads to the demise of many chicks. 2.15.09 (0 J.H.): The Grand Charter is ratified, annexing the three realms of Agattu Island, Ruhnu, and Llancanelo Lagoon to the Consulate. 3.2.09 (15 J.H.): In the Treaty of Dixons, the town of Dixons, Bahamas is affirmed as a meeting point and strategic center of Jovak Helm. It is the approximate geographic center of the three realms. 5.1.09 (76 J.H.): Independence is declared. 10.25.09 (253 J.H.): The occupation of Dixons begins.