The following is Jovak Helm's Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was declared in 76 J.H. Since then, our independence is celebrated as Independence Night every May 1st. This is not to be confused with the ratification of the Grand Charter of Jovak Helm in 0 J.H. Ratification Day is celebrated every February 15th.
Preamble: Let it be known that unsatisfactory conditions in the world exist. To solve problems, preserve natural environments, protect the civil rights of humans, and respect the spirit of freedom so admired in growing countries, Jovak Helm is hereby independent. I. The area encircled by the coastline of Agattu Island is recognized as belonging to Jovak Helm. The justification as such being that the government of the United States has sufficiently ignored the ptarmigan population inhabiting the island. Jovak Helm, as an independent nation, will specialize in the protection of ptarmigan populations. II. The area enclosed by the coastline of Ruhnu Island, previously owned by Estonia, is annexed to Jovak Helm. The current ruling body of Ruhnu has failed to abolish the church on its shores. This church violates key principles of discordianism, leading to corruption. III. The area designated by the coastline of Llancanelo Lagoon, previously belonging to Argentina, hitherto is a realm of Jovak Helm. The Ramsar Convention has made dangerous advances on Jovak Helm territory. Argentina has utterly and atrociously failed in handling this matter. We will do a much more efficient job of making our territory sovereign. IV. The area defined by the borders of Dixons Settlement, previously belonging to the Bahamas, has been assimilated as a realm of Jovak Helm. Currently, Cockburn Town is the principal location in San Salvador, which we think is unfair to Dixons, being a more fruitful settlement.