Source Rawitz

The following document by Jovak Helm's resident political theorist sets out the governmental structure of Jovak Helm and the oath all citizens must take.

Be it hereby declared by Consuls Max W and Julian D, March 12th, in the year 2009:

I. Summation of the history, structure, intention, and purpose of Jovak Helm:

Jovak Helm, micronation, consists of the lands known to the rest of the world as Agattu Island, Alaska; Ruhnu, Estonia; and Llancanelo Lagoon, Argentina. A common ground, Dixons, Bahamas, shall henceforth be reserved for any meeting, display, or strategic purposes, or for any use that remains to be seen. Jovak Helm was founded on the principles of equality, peace, and justice by Co-Consuls Max Weinreich and Julian Drucker. As Consuls, they recruite all those deemed worthy to be citizens of the prestigious alliance.

II. Oath:

Let it be known to friend and foe alike that in this year, in this time, a consulate was created out of elements seemingly too different, across a space seemingly too vast, against odds seemingly too great, for a purpose yet to be realized. May Jovak Helm prosper and bring light unto an age of darkness. Let us don our helms and assume the mantle of service.

III. Governmental and Societal System:

Under the power structure of Jovak Helm, two reign supreme: Co-Consuls for life Max W and Julian D, founding fathers and patriots of Jovak Helm. All power shall begin and end with them, but there exists an in-between point: a quorum of rotating citizens. Chosen by the Consuls at random, to be assembled by the Consuls whenever a vote of importance to the function of Jovak Helm or the Constitutional mission statement occurs. The Co-Consuls may hear arguments by Quorum members and must comply by their vote, unless in a case of necessary override or executive veto; however these actions shall be frowned upon and avoided at all costs. In the event of a severe threat, internal or external, to the very existence of the Consulate, the Quorum shall be disbanded and the Consuls granted emergency powers under this Constitution. [Many citizens belong to governmental departments called Ministries.] All other citizens are to have control over their occupational departments, but of course defer to either of the Consuls or the Quorum. The Consuls maintain the right to initiate or exile anyone from Jovak Helm without input of the Quorum.

IV. International Relations:

Jovak Helm promotes good relations with all peaceful, non-state sponsors of terror or extremism. Jovak Helm is closest to the United States, with all members of the Consulate being citizens of that great nation. Jovak Helm shall endeavor to be at peace with the world and its numerous neighbors, a friend to those in need and an enemy to those who must be stopped. Dual citizenship with Jovak Helm and pre-established nations is both possible and welcomed. One is not to be chosen over the other.

- Minister Rawitz